PAGE 63 8.3 A Few Things to Try

1. Type as many words as you want. When you press enter on an empty line, the typed words are printed in alphabetical order.

puts 'Type in as many words as you want. When finished press \'Enter\' on an empty line'
x = 0
word = 'word1'
array =[]
while word != ''
word = gets.chomp
array[x] = word
x = x + 1
puts ''
puts array.sort

A more straight-forward alternative, courtesy Adrian:

word = 'word'
words =[]

puts 'Please type as many words per line then press the Enter Key.'
puts 'When you are finished press the Enter Key without typing anything.'
while word != ''
word = gets.chomp
words = words.push word
puts ''
puts 'Your original values:'
puts words
puts ''
puts 'Your values sorted:'
puts words.sort
puts ''

. . . and another alternative, courtesy Stephen:

awords = []
word = "x"

puts "Type as many words as you want, or press \"enter\" to quit."
while word != ""
#get word from user
word = gets.chomp

#add to array
awords.push word

#user exited loop test for array before printing
if awords.empty?
puts "Now sorting what you typed.. thanks."
puts awords.sort

. . . one more from Joraaver:

puts "Type in as many words as you want. When you are done, press \'Enter'\ on the next line."
# array for the entries
words = []
entry = "0"
# taking responses and pushing them into the array
while entry != ""
entry = gets.chomp
words.push entry
# displaying data
puts "Thanks for your input. Sorting data ..."
puts words.sort

2. Rewrite table of contents program from p. 35 using arrays.

toc = ['Table of Contents', 'Chapter 1: Getting Started', 'page 1','Chapter 2: Numbers','page 9',
'Chapter 3: Letters','page 13']
page_width = 60
puts (toc[0].center(page_width))
puts ''
puts (toc[1].ljust(page_width/2) + toc[2].rjust(page_width/2))
puts (toc[3].ljust(page_width/2) + toc[4].rjust(page_width/2))
puts (toc[5].ljust(page_width/2) + toc[6].rjust(page_width/2))

Joraaver offers another solution:

toc = ["Table of Contents","Chapter 1: Getting Started", "page 1",
"Chapter 2: Numbers", "page 9", "Chapter 3: Letters", "page 13"]
line_width = 60
i = 0
puts ""
# loop to define when to stop putting lines for the contents.
until i == 6
puts(toc[i += 1].ljust(line_width/2) + toc[i += 1].rjust(line_width/2))